
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We Survived!!!

The anticipation is over with .... for me, at least. Our parent team performance went off with only a few flaws.

All I can say is that I have a newfound respect for Brittney and her teammates when it comes to cheerleading. Now granted, I have 26 years on her and things are easier for her to do. But still, it is a LOT of hard work. I seriously thought I was going to pee in my pants when we were waiting to come out on the floor. They had all of the lights down and spotlights were EVERYwhere. This thing was even televised...or at least it WILL be televised in March sometime. Cheer Power puts on a huge production for this competition and they hand out the coveted leather jackets for first place teams.

The parent teams weren't judged, it was just for fun. Of course we were ranking everyone that we saw. We weren't the best, but we definitely weren't the worst either. Most of our competition was coming from huges gyms with tons of coaches. Our gym only has 2 teams and 4 coaches. So we did good with what we had to work with.

Anyway, I bought a copy of the performance from a company selling DVDs at the competition. BUT, I can not figure out how to upload it because of the type of file it's saved as. I have my company's IT guy working on it and I promise to post it as soon as it's available.

On to Brittney's team......they had 21 teams in their division. It was really ridiculous to have this many teams. The competition was phenomenal! I won't admit to what place they got, but it wasn't last and it wasn't first. It was somewhere in between. They were pretty bummed but still had a wonderful time.

I asked Brittney what her favorite part of the entire trip was and she said it was when we played a scavenger hunt game in the hotel one evening. One of the moms was smart enough to think up a game and it was a BIG hit with the girls. Then her favorite part was when she won her team's "jump-off" during one of their practices. She won the best toe-touch award.

I'm really glad the girls have such fun, but they really want to win too. I don't know why their team always gets such lousy results from the judges. The world of cheerleading is a world of its own and I don't understand all of their point systems and levels of degrees of difficulties. All I know is that the performance they gave in San Antonio wasn't bad at ALL. It wasn't their best either, but they had no major mistakes at all. Then when you have 20 other teams in the same boat, the scores get really close.

I'm a horrible mom because I barely took any pictures (the Alamodome wouldn't allow cameras). Then when we went to the Riverwalk after our performance, I still didn't have my camera. Hopefully one of the parents will send some pictures my way.

When we came home, it was SUCH a sweet greeting that we got from the boys. I swear in the 2 days I was gone they grew a foot and can actually say more words. Jace is non-stop with talking. Cade isn't too far behind him. Then after about 10 minutes of being home, reality was back! Never fails......


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