
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Feeling Old........Part 3 ?? (i've lost count)

It's official! I've turned into my mother (no offense mom!).
Steve and I were off work yesterday so we made it an official "Kearley shopping day" (without 2 year old little twin boys...yeah!!) We had a bunch of gift certificates from Christmas to spend and they were truly burning a hole in Brittney's pocket!
Our first stop was Limited Too. This store has some cute stuff but it is SO overpriced. It was hilarious to watch Brittney go up to something she really liked and then look at the price tag and turn away. She sure doesn't do that when it's MY money she's spending. She only got one thing there...surprise, surprise.
THEN we head over to Abercrombie. I've only shopped online for this store. This is apparently one of THE stores for Brittney's age group now. Well, when we first walk in they have these shorts laid out on the table.
I mean...what are these things? Look how little material there is on them!! These came in sizes for my NINE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. I don't think so.......Steve quickly said.......KEEP WALKING!
Then I find myself in the dressing room with Brittney.......the music is BLARING so loud I feel like I'm in the middle of dance floor or something. She's trying on these shirts that are SO long and SO thin. It's a good look for some one with a cute figure, not really such a good look for a woman who's had 3 kids. Then material is so thin that I can pretty much see through them and it costs $40 freakin' dollars! (See, I told you that I'm feeling old).
Then she wants a jacket that's on clearance. I thought they were kind of ugly until I noticed that EVERY person walking into the store had the very SAME jacket and they started to grow on me. Add to the fact that they were marked down from $99 to $39. I figure that's a deal. So, I covered her on a few items in the store. She was SO excited to wear it that she put it on right then and there. I used to do that with shoes, not coats but what the heck do I know?
When we're checking out, the girl behind the counter couldn't have been more than 16. Her pants were the lowest of low risers that I've ever seen. She was extremely tanned and her stomach was super flat!! .... Again the feeling of age set in. Especially when she called me ma'am.
I'm learning that I don't know ANYthing more. How in the world have I been able to function in life for 35 years without my brilliant daughter to guide me? Steve too! I mean, we didn't realize we were so UNcool until recently and it's hit us really hard!
Don't get me wrong, Brittney is a great kid and a wonderful helper and big sister. BUT she is just a normal tween (that's what they call it these days if you didn't know).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Isn't it amazing how old it makes you feel. I mean I'm not that much older than her, but my goodness I'm so out of touch already.

12:09 PM  
Blogger yerdoingitwrong said...

I'm very uncool for my 35 years, too. It's scary to think just how out of touch I'll be when my kid is a tween. oy.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

AWE...I just saw the comment from sweet! You guys should come visit sometime. Brittney and Lauren could bond!!!


9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to take that as a compliment! You young parents have so much more to deal with than I did when you and your brother were growing up. You and Steve have 3 wonderful children. Keep them GROUNDED IN THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT.... being a loving and caring person, love of family and a sense of religion that they can fall back on in later life.
Love you,

9:21 PM  
Blogger wayabetty said...

I'm there with you sista! Kids now a day are waaay too advanced and matured for me. I walked into AF too and felt very very old. I mean, the quality of the clothes is just not there.

My kids are still young, and we don't stress brand names at all. I mean, at long as it looks good and cheap...that's fine with me. But I'm sure once they get older, there will be influence from friends and peers...but hopefully with our teaching, something will stick.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez.....then I'm helpless and feel even older!

You know what sucks? My little sisters that I took care of when they were growing up are now 17....they actually said "I remember when we thought you were cool". OMG...that really makes you wonder what you've become.......apparently UNcool...ah well, if I have to wear underwear shorts and be deaf to be cool, then no thanks! I'll be totally square!

12:14 PM  
Blogger The Amazing Trips said...

I don't even like to think about this stuff.

But, when I look in the mirror I feel old beyond my years. And, seeing Raquel Welch on the Today Show this morning - - 66 years old and looking YOUNGER than me - - it made me feel like I should be put out to pasture.

12:05 AM  

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