
Sunday, December 03, 2006

My Two Handfuls.........

We have determined for sure that the terrible two's have officially started in the Kearley household. I flash!! But it has really hit us hard in the last few days.

For example, Brittney had a choir performance last Thursday night. Steve couldn't attend because he had class so I was going to videotape the performance for him. I knew that I couldn't watch both boys AND videotape so when Nana said she was going, I thought we were in the clear. We thought the boys would be fine because they absolutely LOVE music and they had the strings, chimes and then the choir perform.

Well, the school cafeteria is small. We could barely HEAR the kids let alone SEE the kids in the strings and chimes. So much for entertaining my boys. Jace decided that he wanted people to KNOW he was there. He just can . not . sit . still!!! He was starting to get ancy and we got a few "looks" as he was just being his LOUD self. Nana decided to take him out into the hall. I am NOT kidding you that I could hear him throughout the cafeteria during all 3 performances. I knew exactly when he spotted Steve's mom and step-dad too! I could tell by the inflection in his voice (outside in the hall!).

Anyway, lesson learned. No more indoor choir performances for 2 year old twins.

Apparently we did not learn our lesson too well though. We had already decided that we were ALL going to attend Brittney's cheer competition on Saturday. It was probably the best venue to take the boys to out of all the competitions she's got going on this year. So off we went into downtown Houston - right about the time of the boys' usual naptime. Luckily Cade took a "cat-nap" on the way. Here he is during our waiting time until the awards ceremony.

He was fascinated with the construction going on outside of the convention center. All he wanted to do was look at the big trucks and cranes.

Then there was Jace..............

He did NOT take a catnap on the way. Hmmmm....I wonder what in the world he is trying to communicate to me here in this picture? It was hard to even concentrate with the ear piercing noises that were coming out of that child.

After about the 20th time he threw himself on the floor...maybe it was the 25th, who was counting....we decided we really might need to go whether it was time for the awards or not. What in the WORLD were we thinking?? My mom wanted to see Brittney's team perform, but she's always babysitting the boys for us. That was one of the reasons that we all wanted to go. By the end of the day with all of the loud music, glitter, and chaos, she volunteered to stay home from now on so we won't have to endure such torture for the boys AND for ourselves. People were probably wondering why I was sitting there taking pictures of my poor child throwing a fit. I guess I've just become accustomed to it!

They sure did look cute in their "Cheer Brothers" t-shirts in Brittney's team colors. But whew...were they a handful.

I almost forgot the best part though. When we had JUST arrived at the competition. We settled into some front row seats on the side of the floor where the girls perform. When we "released" them from the stroller, Jace proceeded to climb the stairs all the way up to the top of the seats. They were not steep, the steps were really wide and it wasn't crowded in this area so we thought it would be okay for him to run off some energy. Well, Jace is famous for finding the one little piece of railing missing. He started to head to the very top corner where it looked as if there was NOT any railing. I haven't seen Nana move that fast to catch Mr. Jace in years!! I had a perfectly behaved little boy named Cade on my lap, so she took off for Mr. Active - Jace. All I could imagine was him falling down the one story drop off. It was very scary for a minute.

Anyway, we've had a couple of life lessons this past week! I guess we're going to be hermits for a little while longer until we can learn to deal with Jace in public.


Blogger The Amazing Trips said...

I can so feel your pain.

My advice is simple. Only go out following naps - never before. Your window of opportunity is VERY small with 2-year olds. Take along a LOT of snacks, toys for them to play with (we just rediscovered slinkies - the kids are enamored with them and they are great because they fit so easily in my diaper bag) and a HUGE sense of humor.

The boys are adorable even laying on the ground in the midst of a meltdown.

10:37 PM  
Blogger The Amazing Trips said...

PS: Isn't blogging great??? I can totally imagine you pulling out your camera and snapping off pictures of Jace laying face down on the floor in the middle of this huge hall, while people are looking at you thinking "Are you mad woman, taking pictures of your baby ON THE FLOOR?!"

See, this is what blogging makes you do! I can never pass up opportunities like this to take a picture, and I kick myself when they happen and I don't have my camera. If it wasn't for blogging - I would be missing so many experiences!

Yay for blogging!!! :)

10:40 PM  
Blogger Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Too cute! Don't you wish we could just lay down on the floor and pitch fits every time we were tired!

1:50 PM  

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