
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

How Many ???

How many times in one day that Jace "bonks" his head: at least 3

How many times in one day that Jace or Cade skins their knee: 1-2

How many pop-ices the boys eat on a daily basis: at least 8 (4 each...we cut them in half for them)

How many pop-ices the boys COULD eat on a daily basis: probably around 20

How many fits are thrown once the boys are cut off from pop-ices: 2 ... short and sweet fits usually if distracted properly

How many pop-ices I just loaded into the freezer this past weekend: 200!!!

How many fingers are stuck under the bathroom door while Nana's in there: ALWAYS 20

How many binkies Cade has in his crib on a daily basis: at least 3 (one in his mouth, and one for each hand)

How many naps the boys take: ONE...believe it or not! Sometimes they need "quiet time" in the afternoon though.

How many minutes the boys "chit-chat" back and forth after they wake up from nap-time: approximately 20

How many poopy diapers show up DURING the "chit-chat" hour: usually 2

How many poopy diapers in TOTAL for the day: usually 4....can sometimes be as many as 6

How many diapers on a given day: I've totally lost track

How many shoes of Brittney's were in the living room tonight: 3

How many times I asked Brittney to take her shoes into her room: 2 (amazingly)

How many times we did spelling words with Brittney today: 2 (she only missed one tonight)

How many times a day I pry the remote controls away from little fingers: at least 4

How many times a day we watch The Wiggles: at least 10

How many Wiggles songs get stuck in my head while I'm at work: 1 and it's ALL day long

How many hugs and kisses we get from all 3 of our kids in a day: countless.......and worth every bit of the work that goes into raising them!!!!!

Have a great day!


Blogger Mel said...

I loved your post. My friend is expecting twins so I love reading about all the "fun" you have with your boys.

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this post! And that's a great tip for cutting the popsicles in half. Jack could eat them all day long. He needs some popsicle intervention.

And the Wiggles...that's another addiction. My husband played golf with an old friend last week and apologized in advance for any Wiggles songs that he might break into during the day. Then they sang the theme from Dora together (he has twin girls). That's a long way from Def Leppard.

9:14 AM  

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