
Friday, August 11, 2006


All 3 of my kids seem to have a few obsessions that are truly unique from each other.

Let's start with Jace....

He really seems to have an obsession with SHOES. It really doesn't matter what kind. He likes any slip-ons, tennis shoes, crocs, you name it. He REALLY enjoys shoes that have a hard sole so they make noise when he steps. When my mom comes over every morning to babysit, Jace is the first to highjack her shoes to play with. I guess I'm going to have to work on his manners.

His next obsession is cats. His little "lovey" is a stuffed cat hand puppet that meows when you push his mouth together. He MUST have it to go to sleep. As you listen through the door of the room at naptime, you can hear the peaceful sounds of his cat (and the quacking of Cade's duck). Another cat he likes is the one on Baby Einstein. He will come RUNNING from anywhere in the house when the KittyCat from Baby Einstein is on the TV. He can even anticipate WHEN the cat will be on next.

Now let's move on to Cade....

He has a couple of obsessions. The first one is his love of purses. Steve is just SO proud about this one....ha ha. The first time he held a purse was a deliberate effort on my part. I thought it was cute and I love to give Steve a hard time about "his boys". Cade seemed to really enjoy the fact that the purse was staying up on his shoulder. So he walked all around the house just kind of giggling.

His next obsession is when he eats ANYthing that comes out of a wrapper, he MUST have the wrapper. For example, they love to eat Quaker Oats Oatmeal-On-The-Go bars. When you take it out of the wrapper to hand it to Cade, you MUST give him the wrapper. Any fruit snacks must be opened and then given to him in the wrapper....Teddy Grahams, name it. It's all the same. If you don't, he'll start to squeal. And then the minute you remember to hand over the wrapper to him, he immediately starts his little snickering. What a spoiled little toot!
And now on to Ms. Brittney.....

Her obsession is's any kind of tumbling, cheer, dancing or singing. Whenever I get the chance to sit down and watch TV, it's usually done so while cartwheels and roundoffs are being done on the rug in front of the TV. You can also regularly hear her singing on her karoake machine or doing handstands against the closet door. I don't think she EVER sits still. She's always got some "new" cheer or dance routine to practice and I get to hear EVERY 8-count.

I truly love all of their little house would be awfully quiet without them.


Blogger The Amazing Trips said...

Oh - this is HYSTERICAL!!! I can't get over the boys dressed up in high heels and with purses. Those are definitely ammo photos for when they get older.

Re: Brittney, when I was 8, I use to do cartwheels and roundoffs everywhere, too. It drove my family BATTY. Most of the time - I'd have my "music" for my "routine" playing in the background. My "music" was "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" by Meatloaf. Yeah. I was EIGHT!!!

Ah, it takes me back. "Stop right there!! I gotta know right now..."

Have a great weekend! :)

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T u sould feel old because ur favorite nephew is turning 16 ha ha

12:48 PM  
Blogger Teresa said...

yeah, yeah definitely make me feel old!

5:12 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

yea! i love new people! thanks for visiting my blog :)

you definitely have your hands full!! wow! my little one is only 9 months but already runs me down every day. i can't imagine having 3! we did a lot of "routines" when i was little. my step sister was big into gymnastics so we CONSTANTLY made up routines and had my other step sister judge us. it was so much fun! reading about her makes me wish i was little again :)

9:11 PM  

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