
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How Time Flies!

I've been reminiscing over some old pictures of the boys (and Britt). I thought I'd share a few of them. It's hard to remember just how far we've come.

We were very lucky to get to leave the hospital with both boys. Cade was the "older" twin by a whole whooping minute (due to my c-section). He weighed in at 5 lbs 15 1/2 oz. Jace was the little porker at 6 lbs 6 oz. (I guess you could say Brittney was the biggest porker, of course she was a singleton, at 8 lbs 3 1/2 oz.) With the twins, I gained about 60 pounds and was able to make it 35 1/2 weeks. (With Brittney I gained a mere 27 pounds and went OVER my due date....quite a difference all the way around).

We will always remember the nurses comment about the boys. They stopped my husband in the hallway and asked if he was the father of the twins with the "perfect lips". To this day, Jace still has those perfect little lips (he gets them from daddy) and people either comment on them or his pearly little white teeth.

This is still one of my favorite pictures of the boys. It was taken when they were 10 days old at my mom's house. Her wonderful friend, Judy - who is like a third grandmother to my kids, is an amateur photographer and LOVES to snap pictures for us whenever she's around. We put the little sleeping wonders in a roasting pan and took our own "Anne Gedes" pictures. They never made a peep. As you can tell in these pictures, Cade had a head FULL of hair and Jace was a little baldy. We even had people ask us if we did that on purpose to tell them apart. We just laugh b/c they looked so different to us even from day one.

They lived in these bouncey seats for quite some time. We even did feedings in these when they first started eating cereal and fruits. They were mesmerized by the fish attachment and the vibration. (I kind of miss the days then they could be so "secluded".)

Oh, how our lives have changed (for the better, right?!?). I don't think I'd want to go back to the sleepless nights, constant feedings, fussing for no apparent reason (i.e. colick), and the general "unknown". This is me doing a dual burp session. Those were the good ol' days!!!!!!!!!! Now you should hear the boys rip a burp out! Very manly!

Fast forward to the present time. They've gotten so big and so independent in feeding themselves.

This is one of my favorite comparisons.

It's during the time we
were trying to get pregnant and just thought it would never happen so we opted for the next best thing...a new Boxer puppy. As you can tell, it fit the maternal need that both me and Brittney needed. Brittney is rocking the puppy on the left and a few years later, rocking Cade on the right. Quite a different picture.


Blogger *Tanyetta* said...

Hi--I'm here from 1girl2boys--Love your blog. You have a beautiful family. Love how the babies were hugging each other in the basket. Toooo cute.

10:25 AM  
Blogger utmommy said...

Those are darling pictures of the boys. I always wanted to have twins. Instead I got 4 kids in 4 1/2 years. Time does fly. My baby is going to be 4 next month, I can hardly believe it.

1:59 PM  
Blogger The Amazing Trips said...

Oh - I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!! Love them, love them, love them!!! I wish that we had done our own "Anne Geddes" photos with the babies when they were wee little. Those are absolutely priceless - and the "window of opportunity" for taking such photos is very small, indeed.

Thanks for posting these - they've made my day! :)

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love love love the Anne Geddes picture. I've got to share it with my friend who is prego with twins. So cute!

9:26 PM  

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