
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Signs of Growing UP!

We've haven't officially started potty training yet. But summertime is a great time for the kids to run around in the backyard without ... ahem... any restraints!

When we fill the inflatable pool up, I always stress that there's NO PEE PEE or NO POO POO in the pool. It's absolutely amazing how the boys can get out in the nick of time to pee in the grass EVERYtime! But when we're inside, they could care less!

We've had quite a few successes on the potty. It's just that nothing has been consistent. This morning they had big boy underwear on and they both went peepee in them. But then later, Jace announced at the table that he had to pee pee and he actually made it to the bathroom to successfully complete the task. Then we all did the pee-pee dance around the house! He was so proud of himself.

Then last night, Brittney decided that she was going to fix breakfast this morning for all of us. So I woke her up when the troops were up this morning. She proceeded to mix up the pancake batter and whipped us up some "homemade" pancakes.

The pancakes were a big hit and they were actually VERY good! Of course, it's always better when someone else cooks for you. I think I can handle this part of growing up!


Blogger Casey's trio said...

Hi Teresa!

Thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving us a comment:) It's always nice to know who is reading about us out there...You have a beautiful family. I am sooooo not looking forward to potty training and thankful I have another 8-12 months before I even entertain the idea!

11:20 PM  

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