
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Big Boy Beds are HERE!

The baby beds have moved out and the big boy beds have moved in!

We had been playing up the idea of "big boy beds" since yesterday. I don't think they had any idea of what was actually going to take place until it happened though.

Although they were thoroughly entertained by watching the man disassemble their cribs, Cade's lip started quivering when he realized that HIS BED WAS GOING BYE-BYE! He could barely talk when he asked me "bed go bye-bye?" I assured him that he was going to get a BIG BOY bed and it was OK. He was fine.

...Until it was naptime!

There was a LOT of noise and jumping and giggling going on in their room. They never came out of the room, but still there was a lot of noise.

I had to go in there after about 30 minutes. Cade was a bit distraught so I had to lay down with him and rub his back. I knew he was exhausted. Then I laid with Jace for a minute. I really didn't want to get into this new habit of laying down with them. (I used to do this with Brittney and I was usually OUT like a dog. I would stumble out of her room at all hours of the night.)

So I exited the room. I, of course, peeked into the room after about 20 more minutes (because it was terribly quiet). This is what I saw from Cade on the left side of the room ....

What I saw from Jace on the right side of the room was terribly different. The minute that I opened the door, I heard the sound of water hitting the carpet. I thought for a second that Jace was maybe pouring out the water from their humidifier. NOPE! He had removed his shorts and diaper and was peeing on the football rug in the middle of their room. I snatched him up so fast that I scared him. I just didn't want him to wake his slumbering brother and have me stuck with TWO cranky toddlers.

So we went outside to play while Cade slept for 2 hours in his big boy bed! Yeah Cade!!

Tonight they were so exhausted, they hardly made a peep! We peeked in several times and Jace was just laying there staring at the ceiling. Cade was already out.

Here's my sleeping big boys.

Oh, they're growing up too fast!

Brittney was such a big helper today! We've been cleaning out closets and getting things together to donate. We don't need crib sheets or crib mattress covers anymore...those are for babies!!

We got rid of so many outgrown clothes and so much other crap, it was unbelievable. The idea of packing and moving is starting to sink in, so I'm doing as much as I can ahead of time!


Blogger Casey's trio said...

Too funny about your kiddo peeing on the football carpet! Hope they get into the new routine and nap much better tomorrow:)

11:40 PM  
Blogger wayabetty said...

The boys are getting so big and such cutie!!

I'm still holding out for a big girl's bed for my Sophia, she's a handful and I know she'll rummage through everything in the room. As for the peeing on the floor...that's why I still have her in zippered PJ's on BACKWARD!! The girl is like Houdini, she can take off her clothes/diaper in seconds!

5:58 AM  

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