
Sunday, October 01, 2006

One on One Time

We've all been sick around here. OK...maybe just me, Jace and Cade. It all started innocently enough. Jace got a runny nose 2 weeks ago. I, of course, tried to deny that he had it. I started giving him over the counter meds but no luck there. Cade got the same nose stuff a few days later.

I don't know what it is about ALL of my kids. They NEVER just get a runny nose. It ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS turns into something else....either an ear infection, bronchitits, or sinusitis. We ALWAYS end up at the doctor. It never fails. AND it seems that we go through this cycle every 6 to 8 weeks. I don't think they've been well for more than 3 months at a time since they were born. All I can say about this is that Brittney did the same thing the first 2 years of her life and now she's NOT like this. Hopefully they're getting it all out of their little systems now and building up their resistance for later in life. I don't know....I'm just trying to find something positive out of it.

ANYway....since the boys have been sick, their schedules have been a bit off. Today Jace took a really early nap and Cade wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. So, Cade and I took a bath together. I've NEVER taken a bath with just Cade. Matter of fact, I've only taken a bath with the boys one time EVER. Sad isn't it? It was really neat to see how special he thought he was with my undivided attention and all. So when I was ready to get out, he wasn't. So I got dressed while he played in the bathtub all by himself. Except for when he was a newborn and we bathed them separately, Cade's NEVER taken a bath by himself. Weird, huh?

Then it was Cade's turn to take a nap. I had to run to the store for just a few things and I decided what a great time to spend a little time with Jace. So, we went into our Target shopping center and I saw the Petco. I couldn't resist. You should have seen his little face. He walked in like such a big boy. He LOVED being able to walk around and look at all the hamsters (YUCK!), birds and bunnies. Oh how he loved the bunnies! When he saw the hamsters sleeping he even said "nigh nigh". Too cute!!! Then we made our way to Target. He was so cute there too. Whenever anyone would make eye contact with him he would say "HI!". I've never seen him so social.

It was really neat to see how different they were when they were separated from the other. It reminded me of what little individuals they actually are. They did, however, have a hard time passing up the room when they KNEW the other was in there sleeping. We had a few close calls of waking up the other.

Good news is that we're all on the road to recovery now.


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