
Friday, October 20, 2006

Nine Weird Things About ME ... meme

I started this blog to share stories about my family. I know I have some family and friends that sign on, but the majority of the people I've "met" through this blog are perfect strangers. It's strange that we all have SO much in common but yet lead such different lives in very different geographic locations.

So, I've been "tagged" to do this meme by 1girl2boys so my new friends, my new "peeps" can learn more about me! It's my first time! I'm honored!

Here goes:

1. I can NOT go to sleep before 11 p.m. It is RARE that this ever happens. I only require 6 hours of sleep (my dad and I just had a conversation about this tonight b/c he's a nightowl too)....(by the way my husband requires at least 8 hours of sleep.)

2. I'm also a morning person. I can't stand to sleep in....I feel like my day is wasted. Even though it's annoying that the boys get me up early, I like to get the day started. (my husband is again, the TOTAL opposite...loves to sleep in)

3. I do NOT like coffee or anything that has a coffee flavor at ALL. I don't even like to TRY fancy Starbuck drinks if it's going to leave a "coffee" taste in my mouth.

4. I LOVE to pick at zits, scabs and generally gross things. (i know....yuck!) When my kids have dried up crusty noses, watch out! I'm always picking! (again...yuck, I know!)

5. Even though I like to pick at gross things, I pass out when I see blood. (hey, you said "nine weird things about me")

6. On Friday evenings, I LOVE to read my People magazine. If it doesn't show up until Saturday afternoon I get MAD and start wondering if I'm up-to-date with my payments. (I know my life sounds SO exciting).

7. I DVR "Live with Regis and Kelly" EVERY day. I just like to watch the first 20 minutes when they have "coffee talk".

8. When I eat pancakes or waffles, I do not like the syrup on top of them. I prefer the "dipping' method so they don't get mushy. I'm a BIG texture person....

9. I miss the feeling of being pregnant. I know that I definitely don't want any more kids, but I absolutely LOVED being able to feel my kids kicking, moving and hiccupping when they were in utero. (don't worry honey, I don't WANT to be pregnant again, I just miss the 2nd trimester feeling).

So there you have it. I'm sure there's a LOT more things I've missed, but that's me in a nutshell.

I'm going to tag Jen@amazingtrips
, Laura @ thegrubbtriplets and Stephanie @ theguinntriplets. (What IS it with me and triplet blogs?) Now go and tag some other people.


Blogger Barbie @ Mamaology said...

OH how I wish I only needed 6 hours of sleep. I'm more of a 8 1/2 or 9 hour person:) But kids don't make that possible.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I am totally with you on #4 & #9! I am waaayyy behind on my blog reading lately, but loved scanning back through the last several posts. Your handsome boys are getting so big!!!

11:57 AM  
Blogger Miss Notesy said...

I tagged 1girl2boys, and didn't realize she tagged you. :-) How fun!

I'm with you on a lot of these. I love the first 20 min of R&K too.

I also hate everything coffee, except the smell, unless of course that is on someone's breath. Gross.

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha!! I'm sooo NOT with you on the morning person thing.....I do get 5-6 hours but I need at least 10. I'm a lazy bum I know. However, you did remind me of my 9th weird thing!

I videotape 4 hours of Little House a day...and skim through it after dinner while I'm cleaning up for the night after the boys go to sleep...hence, me not getting in bed until 12. Yikes....

11:16 PM  

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