
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Busy Week, Busy Weekend.....

Time just moves so fast these days. I'm finding more and more that I try to maximize every minute there is in the day. There are days that I look back on what I've done and realize that if I didn't have kids it wouldn't have been NEAR that much. That can be a good thing but also a bad thing. It's actually exhausting and I decided to take a mental break from it all this past week.

Friday night Steve and I went out like real married adult people! We got tickets to see John Mayer and Sheryl Crow. Some friends of ours (which we met on our Christmas family cruise last year) were coming into town also for the show. These friends were on their honeymoon when we met them. I'm not really sure WHY they hung around us and WHY they still want to keep in touch with us. I mean they are newly married, no kids, and Krista just turned 25 and Shane just turned 27!!!! Steve and I are both 35 and have been married for almost 14 years!!!!!!!! They are REALLY REALLY neat people and continue to contact us even though they're in another city. I guess we're just more awesome than we realize ourselves........ha ha!

Seriously though, I had to gag at one point in the evening. During the concert we had a different seating area than our friends. So Shane came over to chat during a song change. After a few minutes he said that he had to get back to his wife because she likes for him to "snuggle" her during the John Mayer songs. Steve and I looked at each other and just immediately started sticking our fingers down our throats. I mean, we show affection and everything but it's just not the same as "newlywed" affection I guess. As much as I'm making fun, they are really cute together!!!

Anyway, we had a great time with them and their friends that came along too. It was weird for Steve and I to think of where we were at the age of 25. We had just purchased our first home and were struggling to make ends meet with Steve trying to finish up his bachelor's degree. He was only substitute teaching on the days he didn't have any classes. I really wouldn't want to go back. We've come so far and learned so much.

I mean, back then we didn't have the same dining entertainment we have now.......

(Why is it so wrong that I think this is hilarious? Why is it so wrong that I showed my child HOW to do this to a tortilla?.... I guess motherhood makes you a bit insane.)

Steve wouldn't have the best football watching buddy EVER........

Dinners at NaNa's house wouldn't be as entertaining...............

and shopping wouldn't be as fun!!!!!!! NOT!

I don't know what I'd do without all of my little blessings!


Blogger The Amazing Trips said...

John Mayer is awesome ... I would have loved to see that show!

Gosh, a date night. That sounds vaguely familiar. Is that when you eat fruit in the evening??

I, too think the photo with the tortilla is hysterical. I've got to show our kids how to do that!

2:12 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Very cute post! You have a sweet family. I have twin girls, 6 years old.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, it is nice to "meet" you. :D

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's hilarious! You got to go you got to go!!! I bet it was an awesome concert! I love John Mayer (hated him for the two minutes I thought he was going out with the simpson chick) but Sheryl too, isn't that the best combo?!

I stuck my finger in my throat when I was reading it and then you say you did it too! I was cracking up!

Loved the tortilla mask....I must learn this valuable trick and use it before the boys notice! :)

9:21 AM  

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