Well, I survived my first two weeks of working downtown. Of course in my first week there, I had to leave in order to take the boys to the dr. They were sooo sick.
They BOTH had double ear infections, bronchitis, and some sort of parasite (their diapers were just disgusting...worse than the usual). They got a steroid shot, steroids to put into their breathing treatments twice a day, antibiotics, decongestants and cough medicines. I feel like they are being pumped up with so much medicine, but they are SOOO much better. We could tell a difference within a day.
Now, he wants us to go see the ENT about getting a 2nd set of tubes. I'm pretty bummed about this because I wanted to put them in swimming lessons. But what can you do??? I'll put that on the ever growing list of things to do.
Spring Break is this week also. My daughter is just a busy little bee. She planned herself a fun-filled week...spending the night with different friends and then with Granny, plus going to movies and inside entertainment places (skating and Main Event) because the weather has been horrible. Today was much better and absolutely beautiful. Maybe I'll actually be able to see her soon. She just comes and goes and I seem to keep missing her.
I have decided to have our family's Easter celebration at my house. So that will keep me busy getting the house and yard in order. I wanted to have it here so we only have one place to go that day. It gets exhausting going to each side of the family in one day PLUS having to allow time for a small nap. My kids are absolute bears without a nap. Speaking of naps, they have been sleeping for an average of 3 hours in the afternoon. Today it was almost 4. THEN they are still tired when it's time for bed. I'm not complaining by any means, I'm just saying. They must be going through a growth spurt.
Speaking of growing, Cade officially outweighs his brother by one pound. They weighed them at the doctor last week. Cade has been the lighter of the two since birth. I totally believe it too. Cade is the pig of the family and is always wanting a snack. He is cursed with my genes and has a shorter, stockier build to his body. Jace takes after Steve and has a longer torso. He just looks so much taller and leaner than Cade these days.
They are truly growing up.
My camera is ready, I just need to go and pick it up! So, no pictures for this post. It's just one more thing to do..........