This is really quite a face, isn't it? It's the type of face (and attitude) that will send you directly the "naughty" chair (just like Super Nanny calls it). The naughty chair is super effective for Mr. Cade. He will sit perfectly still until his minute (or so) is up . Then he'll be perfectly content to give you a hug and help you put UP the naughty chair. I have to tell you though, when Cade started sitting in time-out, there's was a sick side of me that couldn't WAIT to put him in it again. I would have to control my chuckling because I could feel these little eyes (and eyebrows) staring a hole through me.
Here's my little angel sitting in the naughty chair. I have to say that I don't have a picture of Jace because it's just not pretty when he has to sit in it. On a bad day, he's usually beet-red, arching his back and trying to throw himself onto the floor. On a good day, he'll just scream until I let him off of it. He's still my little lover boy and is quick to give me a sweet hug and kiss when his time is up.
Here is our attempt at the kids' pictures. I always love to take the boys for their pictures .. ahem...absolutely LOVE it! We took these at Super Target on Father's Day weekend. While we were waiting for our appointment time, we did some shopping. So when it was finally time for us to go in the portrait studio(a.k.a. the torture chamber), Steve volunteered to wait outside to "guard" the basket. What a smart man he is. I wish I would have chosen that job. The photographer and myself were playing peek-a-boo, making goofy noises, singing over Jace's crying and I was being attacked by a pink feather duster that the boys found absolutely hilarious. Brittney just sat there with the perfect smile during the whole event. What a champ she was. After it was all said and done, I was sweating bullets and was definitely ready to call it a day. All in all, I think it was worth it for a few priceless family photos. Now I won't have to do it again for another 6-12 months..whewho!!